NOA's Leadership Academy
Announcing an innovative, one-of-a-kind program that merges the practical skills needed to run your business successfully with the human skill required to excel in the complex environment we live in with your employees. The purpose of this program is to give you real world understanding that goes far beyond what McDonald's is telling you and gets you to the top of your game.
We are thrilled to have partnered with Simon Sinek's The Optimism Company to launch the NOA Leadership Academy, which will give you the leadership skills necessary to succeed as an Owner/Operator in the McDonald's system.
Course Description:
Building Loyalty In Your Organization
We all know that for crew, having a sense of belonging means as much as money. People will work hard, stay longer, and protect your business... how can you make this happen?
Leaders Eat Last: Based on Simon's second book of the same name, we will explore the practices that distinguish teams that stick together and thrive from those doomed to fail despite incentives, talent, and opportunity.